Monday, June 9, 2008

CrEaTiVe SpUrT....///...WoRk In PrOgReSs

Anyone who knows me, who really knows me,
knows that I tell it like it is.
They know I think
I am pretty funny and
I laugh at my own jokes. They
know I care deeply for others, and
despite my loud, sometimes obnoxious
exterior, I have a lot of love in me.
They know how
much I love to eat and
thoroughly enjoy sweets, especially
chocolate. They should know they

can talk to me; I've got a great ear.
They should know I really try and
avoid conflict because
it makes me
feel uncomfortable, which may seem
odd considering how brash I can be
at times.
They know I am not your
run of the mill girl. They know how
independent I am. They know
open I am. They know how much I love
to travel. They know how much I
love to have a
good time and throw my
head back and laugh. They know
how much music is a part of my life,

as well as writing and being creative.
They know how much I love to run and
be active. They
know how much
I enjoy the company of children. Each
time I see one laugh or do something

they’ve never done before, that little
flash of life sparks my own spirit and
ignites my hope
in the future. They know how
I try and look on the positive side
of everything. They know how much
I love my life. They know how much
my family means to me, especially
my grandma Norma. And I
hope they
know how much I care about them.
My life has been brightened and
enlightened by
so many and I have no words
to sufficiently thank everyone
for how they have touched my
