Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Chile is really testing me right now. Boy troubles, host family troubles....well ok that's about it. But being in this country is sure showing me what I'm made of. I am moving out. Nothing major really happened between my host mom and I, but I honestly didn't always have the best feeling about her. My friends have told me that about her as well. I pay almost $400 a month here, total. I also pay almost $300 for rent in my apartment in Cedar Falls. Financially, I just can't cut it. I need money to actually have some fun in this country and be able to live when I get back to Iowa. I explained my financial situation to her and I asked her if they could just not feed me or something and I could pay less to stay here. Which, by the way, this is what they did for my roommate but I left his name out of it. She wasn't willing to negotiate though. This was, mind you, all during her 20 minute rant in rapid Spanish. I got the general meaning but the details are a little blurred. We've already had some minor issues with me asking her to lower the rent once before and then some of my clothes have magically disappeared. One of them I put in the wash and never got back. The others I didn't even wear or put in the wash, and now they're not there. I know, it ticks me off. I can't help but think the maid is stealing them. Or she confuses my clothes with my eight year old host sisters. I'm not that big but I'm definitely not that small either. I know that's where all my socks went to. So that's another reason I want to move out, I can do my own laundry. I am going with some friends to look for a place to live tomorrow. We'll see what pans out.


Blackthorne said...

good luck in your search!!!
and take care!!!